Dental Implants - Del Rio, TX

Rediscovering Your Healthy Smile With Dental Implants

“Once My Teeth Started to Fall Out, I Knew I Needed to Come In…”

Jerry's Story

A Permanent Remedy to a Less than Stellar Smile

Dealing with missing teeth can seriously affect your oral health, overall health, and even self-confidence, making you hesitant to speak, smile, or laugh. Missing most or all your teeth can result in changes in your facial structure, which can cause an aging appearance. Dental implants are the “gold standard” solution regardless of how many teeth you are missing.

Dental implants permanently restore your oral health, and full mouth dental implants can improve several teeth’ aesthetics and dental function at once! Our team at Amistad Dentistry Cosmetic, Implants, & Orthodontics is experienced in providing dental implants in Del Rio, TX. This permanent solution can help you achieve a new smile and quality of life.

Tailoring Dental Implants for Your Unique Needs

Dental implants are the best solution when one or several teeth must be replaced or rejuvenated. Single dental implants are great for anyone who needs one tooth restored or replaced. Suppose multiple teeth need to be restored in different locations in the mouth. In that case, Dr. Taylor may suggest a dental bridge, which is a fantastic option to seamlessly restore your smile if you have healthy teeth overlooked by a few missing ones.

If you’re missing an entire arch of teeth, full mouth dental implants can completely rejuvenate your smile’s look, function, and health, often resulting in better outcomes than natural teeth. Full mouth dental implants can even provide unmatched support for traditional dentures with implant-supported dentures, which can become ill-fitting or slip over time. This can become very inconvenient and disruptive to daily life and can even cause jawbone tissue loss.

Dental implants, however, restore the full functioning and stability of dentures or fixed bridges and stimulate jawbone tissue growth, ensuring the foundation is healthy and strong!

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full mouth dental implants model

The Components of a Dental Implant

Dental implants comprise three main parts – a post, an abutment, and a dental prosthesis. Secured in your jawbone, dental implants are versatile and the most preferred tooth restoration solution – especially compared to traditional dentures. With dental implants, Dr. Thomas Taylor can customize your smile to match your unique needs, providing a level of stability, function, and beauty that is truly unmatched.

Our team routinely provides dental implant treatment across various cases, utilizing state-of-the-art technologies and high-quality materials for the best results. Our expertise can help you experience a life of health, function, and confidence with dental implants in Del Rio, TX!

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headshot of patient holding their before dental treatment within the dental center
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close up of dental implant model.

Benefits of this “Gold Standard” Solution

Top 5 Mistakes People Make with Dental Implants

Do you have all the information you need to make the right decisions about dental implants? Don’t make any of these five common mistakes. Our exclusive checklist will steer you in the right direction.

Placing, Restoring, and Smiling: Our Treatment Process

At Amistad Dentistry Cosmetic, Implants, & Orthodontics, we take a personalized approach to dental implant treatment to meet your unique oral health needs and smile aspirations. Your journey to a fully restored smile with full mouth dental implants starts with a consultation with our experienced implant dentist in Del Rio, TX. We’re eager to understand how dental health impacts your daily life and to hear about your goals for achieving a dazzling smile. During this initial consultation, we will delve into your dental and medical history, employ advanced digital diagnostics, and meticulously craft a customized treatment plan tailored just for you.

To ensure your utmost comfort throughout your visit, we offer various sedation options, allowing you to choose the one that suits you best. Your personalized treatment plan may encompass procedures like tooth extractions or bone grafting, and we’ll provide clear explanations to ensure you’re fully informed and guide you in making the right choices for your needs. Our technology enables Dr. Taylor to precisely place your dental implants at a 45-degree angle within your jawbone. This precision ensures an efficient procedure with exact and predictable outcomes.

Once your implants are placed, we’ll attach your temporary restoration. Over the next 4-6 months, your implants will fuse with your jawbone through osseointegration. When your mouth has fully healed, we will place your final restoration, allowing you to savor a life filled with radiant and healthy smiles!

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